
Frequently asked questions


  1. What is the procedure of renting dresses?
    You can visit our nearby outlet and try dress you want to rent. For women’s wear Kapada Rent does the fittings required for the individual’s requirement and for men’s wears you can try multiple sizes. Depending upon your event date from you visit to Kapada Rent you can book the particular outfit on specific date and can take the dress instantly also. To take the dress instantly individual has to pay rental fee, security deposit 30 % of rental fee and Government issued Identity card (Citizenship, License, passport, PAN card) for reference.
  2. What is the cost of renting an outfit?
    Rental fee of almost every outfit is different, which depends on the design and dress itself. Usually rental fee ranges from 1500 to 6000 on ladies wear and 1600 to 3000 on gents wear. Rental fee on every dress covers 3 days of time period on one time use basis. For details of rental fee you can check dress listing on our website. 
  3. Where is your outlet located?
    Kapada Rent is located at New Baneshwor, Shankhamul Road behind Chicken station. You can find us on Google Maps with name 'Kapada Rent'. It is at around 5 minutes walking distance from New Baneshwor Chowk, Kathmandu. Nearest Land Mark Is ' Chicken Station' of I Kalu.
  4. Can we use outfits out of Kathmandu valley?
    There is no boundary of outfit being use after renting outfit so it can be worn outside Kathmandu valley also. Since rental fee is of one time use and covers 3 days period, with extended rental period user are liable to pay extra fee for the extended period which is 30% of rental fee for 3 additional days. So for 6 days period package you have to pay rental fee plus thirty percentage (30%) of the dress you want to rent.
  5. Do you have delivery option?
    As of now delivery to new user is not done. In case of reserved dresses Kapada Rent can support logistic with ride sharing platforms like Pathoo; wherein we can send booked dress to specific place you have provided for which you have to pay to the ride sharing platform.
  6. Do you have fitting service for individual size requirements?
    Most of the women’s wears can be done fitting and this is done within 20 minutes from the order confirmation. Fitting of dresses has limited range since all sizes is not attainable. For gents wears fitting cannot be done.

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